Gelato has an interesting corner-oriented style of play, where he often opens with a 3-3 and 3-4 stone… in this game, he chose a 4-4 stone, but played the joseki where he keeps the corner. We pick up the action at move 35
My analysis:
- ‘1’ is a weak point of this tiger’s mouth shape, allowing for invasion but a long way to run to help
- ‘2’ is a group that wants to extend to ‘8’ or ‘9’ ideally. I would’ve blunted this wall a long time ago
- ‘3’ is a weak group/light group… maybe we should try to make some eyes for by playing ‘5’ and allow Black to play ‘8’ or ‘9’ and call it even?
- The top is open also, so maybe playing ‘4’ or ‘7’ is a good idea?
- Should we surround ‘6’ before it connects with ‘X’? If ‘6’ connects with ‘X’ then the left side is a giant Black wall…