Howdy! Welcome to the Nature Park Laughter Club, where you stimulate your natural laughter reflex and laugh good loud and long.
Your body, mind and spirit reap the benefits of laughter, whether real or simulated.
It turns out that your body improves whether you are laughing cuz
something is funny or cuz you did laughter as an exercise.
Each time you laugh, you harvest these benefits, GUARANTEED:
- lower stress
- reduce ulcers
- clear the lungs
- improve digestion
And many, many more to be unearthed. hohoho. hahaha… HAY HAY
HAY. huh huh huh. phew, I’m on fire yall. And drowning too!
But throw some Mother Nature in the mix and you have a knockout combo..
Trees feed you oxygen, but just let those sentient little devils get a chance to play laughter games with you… they will tickle your socks off and then some!
Laughter by itself rocks, but I have tripped up on some laughter wellness practices near trees that I find very charging! Charging as in charging you up, not VISA, Mastercard, or American Express! OH HAHAHAHA! OH HO HO HO. heee heeeh eee. tee hee.. hay hay hay hoo hooo… nice job… exhale, let that stress go AND next exercise!
Download your laughter exercise pack now!
FORE! the low low price of zero dollars and zero cents. Hurry this offer wont last long!!!!
I have some laughter park exercises here – – and you can do them by yourself or I can come to your local park to help out… 5 minutes of practice will improve your day beyond belief. And that comes with a money-back guarantee… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!