If you judge by actions, then Gandhi was a horrible person, diabolical.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: GANDHI – The Pimp Who SOLD India. A Historical Systems Analysis. – YouTube
- Gandhi was a reactionary – he was brought in to bring Indian masses to heel
- Ramakrishna Mukerjee “The Rise and Fall of the East India Company” – documents founding of 8th century Caste law and brought it back – created India Administrative Service
- 1800 and 1900s, revolution was in the air, 1886 Haymarket takes place in Chicago, Bolshevik Revolution taking place, women fighting for suffrage. Indians were rising up in India as well. Bhagat Singh – the Malcom X of India.
- Tata, Birla, Bajaj – families during Colonial times. Sucked British cock… had immense support from British. They propped up Gandhi. Changed his name from Mohandas Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi.
- In South Africa, supported British in Boer War against Afrikaans … supported British against Zulus … said Indians in South Africa was Brahmin/Aryan and Africans were savages… Ashram in South Africa was funded by Tatas.
- Support in India from Birla group,
- A true leader in India called Ambethgar (he was against Caste system) debated Gandhi. Gandhi debated Ambethgar and said: “India will not survive without caste system”
- Gandhi was not non-violent: (1) 1931 peaceful protest in Heshiwar against British atrocities. British asked military to shoot protestors. They refused. Gandhi said it was wrong for military to not follow orders. (2) actively recruited Indians to fight in world war one. and received a medal for it.
Indian Nationalists
In South Africa, Gandhi was fighting for the rights of elite Indians.
Gandhi related to gokhale (an anglophile). British created Indian national congress… designed to allow Indians
By 1947, a document called transfer of power. It was not independence.
Nehru was first prime minister of India.
Indira Gandhi was next prime minister (daughter of Nehru).
Pakistan was created to make divisions within India.