When I finished the session, I began to breathe through my nose once again and felt a sharp pain in the forehead but I kept breathing that way as I came back down to earth with this discovery:
Life is a game where you learn to transmute negativity with positivity. You learn to play with the poles of REALITY knowing full well that you exist as NEUTRAL TRUTH.
See "Spiritologie" (http://spiritologie.eu/index.php?id=36) for the definition of reality (shared objective agreement) and truth (personal subjective beingness)
– "Polar Dynamics 1: Life paths, meditation and counselling using an Ifa approach to the binary universe" – http://www.amazon.com/Polar-Dynamics-meditation-counselling-approach/dp/1419601679?tag=dudugo0d-20
– Polarity Therapy – http://mary-ware.com/
– Magical Order of the Golden Dawn – http://magicalgoldendawn.com/ … a very integrative magical order that covers kabbalah and hermeticism If you want to get into various positive games, I can list a few of those too
– Loving-Kindness ( http://madregrande.org/ ) … starting out positive with the 1st of 4 heavenly mind states (Brahama Viharas), you move upwards to equanimity… the PROFOUND NEUTRAL
– most Advaita Vedanta outside of David Spero seeks the formless neutral and spurns the form world