Bihar School of Yoga threatens legal action against well-meaning abhyasi

On the Youtube Channel of Sumanta Mishra we read:

Mr Mishra, We write on behalf of and under instructions of our client – Bihar School of Yoga and Yoga Publications Trust of the address Munger, Bihar, India. (Herein after referred to as our “client”). Please note that you have without any permission or authorisation from the Bihar School of Yoga provided on your YouTube channel several video recordings of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati and Swami Satyananda Saraswati. THE broadcast of the video recording on you YouTube Channel amounts to infringement of our copyrighted works. Any unauthorised broadcast/ publication/ reproduction/download of any kind in part or as a whole of the video recording and any audio recordings is a clear violation of our client’s copyright. We urge you to Immediately remove and delete all videos (both in sound and video recordings) and photographs/images of Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati and Swami Satyananda Saraswati from your YouTube Channel, failing which our client will take all necessary and legal action against you.

Kripa Pandit

If you read this text from Ms. Pandit closely, the Bihar School of Yoga took action against this person. I greatly enjoyed the videos on Mr. Mishra’s page. It also was creating more exposure for the Bihar School of Yoga. But unfortunately, we now know the Bihar School of Yoga for what it is based on their actions against someone who was doing nothing but spreading something he liked in hopes of connecting with others.

Well, I’m glad to have found out what the Bihar School of Yoga is all about prior to getting involved with them. And since actions speak louder than words, I think you can decide for yourself if you want to be around an organization that conducts themselves this way.

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