I tripped up on a game between a 1-dan and 5-dan and found it to be very impressive. The 1-dan played Black and his choice of joseki seemed unusual time and time again, but there was a clear purpose: to build a huge moyo.
And by move 35, his handiwork was completed:
Let’s look over this crucial position:
First off, I think ‘1’ should’ve been played at ‘2’ to prevent the incursion of ‘3’ into the moyo… but what does a lowly 7k like me know?!
Next, let’s count points… yes I know the Japanese screwed up Go by having people think of counting territory instead of thinking about life for as many stones as possible. But let’s do it anyway. I count about 60 points within the blue lines. But amazingly, if I count the top and left, that adds up to 60 points as well.
Now the top can be easily “invaded” and the Black moyo can be easily reduced.