Laughter (Yoga)

Hi Cathleen, regarding Laughter Yoga, I have cc'ed Meg Scott who will be holding a training in May in Columbus, OH. She does the snowbird thing to Ft. Meyers, FL this time of year and holds regular meetings down there for now… You can also visit the official site at

There's also World Laughter Tour and Steve Wilson. He knows very little about yoga. But he is headquartered in Columbus.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar used to have a laughter meditation site, but I cant find it… while googling for it I found the Laughing Buddhas Network – 

I recently started fooling around with my own technique which is a variation of the Universal Clearing Process (  ). It goes like this:

1 – think: where could you be right now?
2 – laugh with complete content
3 – think: where have you been?
4 – laugh with complete content

The purpose of this is to clear/laugh away the attachments you might have to preferring the future/past over now. I tend to focus at the 3rd eye when doing this technique.

Well, nice connecting with you again,

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